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Flying high in the atmosphere: The solar-powered aircraft above 60000ft

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The Zephyr aircraft is a high-altitude platform station (HAPS) developed by Airbus. It is a solar-powered, unmanned aerial vehicle designed to operate in the stratosphere at altitudes above 60,000 feet, where it can stay aloft for months at a time. The Zephyr is notable for its endurance and versatility, capable of providing services such as high-resolution Earth observation, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR), and direct-to-device connectivity, effectively acting as a “tower in the sky” for telecommunications.

Zephyr aircraft launched manually

Zephyr uses advanced solar cells and high-efficiency lithium-ion batteries, which allow it to maintain operations through day and night cycles. It has a wingspan of up to 25 meters and can carry various payloads, including communication equipment and high-resolution cameras. The aircraft can serve multiple purposes, from disaster response and environmental monitoring to providing internet connectivity in remote or underserved areas.

Zephyr aircraft can stay aloft for exceptionally long periods, with a targeted endurance of up to 200-300 days in continuous flight​​. This impressive longevity is made possible by its lightweight design and advanced power systems, which include high-efficiency solar cells and high-energy-density lithium-ion batteries.

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The weight of the Zephyr varies slightly depending on the specific model. The Zephyr S, for example, has a wingspan of 25 meters (82 feet) and weighs between 62-65 kilograms (137-143 pounds)​. This lightweight construction, combined with its aerodynamic design, enables it to achieve high altitudes and maintain stability in the stratosphere, making it an effective platform for its various applications.


Kenya has been identified as an optimal location for launching the Zephyr aircraft for several compelling reasons. Kenya offers favorable weather conditions that are conducive to the operation of high-altitude, long-endurance aircraft like the Zephyr. The country’s relatively stable climate, with minimal extreme weather events such as storms, makes it an ideal environment for the aircraft to ascend to and operate in the stratosphere without significant risk of weather-related disruptions.​

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  1. X22jib

    Hey people!!!!!
    Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!

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